Saturday, July 02, 2005

ay-day at urbandictionary

i added ay-day to the urban dictionary woot
this is an audio post - click to play

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


my modded lighter i can do this for you if you want mine was running out of gas it has a higher flame most of the time Image hosted by

evrey one is gone

poop, thats all that i have to say about the next four weeks is poop, just a simple little palindrome, two pairs of letters, 9009 upside down, poop
Main Entry: 1poop
Pronunciation: 'püp
Function: noun
-very long summer ie. this is poop.

on an other note, i get to work out with bill lee, sam and alex (not that anyone cares) and coach with bryan (yes it has a y)

one octave higher, i went to hippiemart erm i mean trader joes and amazingly i was the most tan person there! i dont know how to get this across to you, i am white! i am the whitest perez since my mother! and i was more tanned than any one else it was like a michel jackson(spelling) convention they all bleached their skin! my eyes are recovering from when some lady walked by the raw fish filets and dissapeared!
anyway i went and got my ankles checked etc and sat around for a while, looking forward to workouts tommorow morning and i will post on how good it was.