yeah anyway i havent really posted anything worth while for a really long time but anyway whats the use of it if no one reads it... and i cant blame them ether for one thing anything i post about I most likley did with someone else other people or by myself in the first case, if you were not there to see what has been going on you most likly are not cool enough to be there yet cool enough to be one of the few lucky people to find me on a random blog search in the second scenario(curse my filthy backspace button) if you were there why on earth would you want to read the things that you already did,unless in some peoples cases you are a giddy blond that likes leaving comments, wich might even happen in the not so near future and probably last scenario something really cool happened to me and noone was there to see it well you see in that case i dont really feel like losing friends in the case that they will get jealous...oh wait theres no reason to get jealous orrrrrrrr due to my lack OF whatever i am lacking i forgot one this scenario it is that i maght have done something of somewhat importance and i dont really feel like telling might bore death...or you might kill me, for some evil thing i had done.
In other news, freshman year is over, kevinz is out of the hospital,summer started , i might pass all my classes with a C,my room is still messy,still no cure for cancer.