Saturday, May 07, 2005

alt+0164Here this is useless yet cool alt+0164

okee if anyones wondering I moved this to its own blog space so I can work on it more profusely so heres the link! tadaaaaa

Well then

Some how this weekend is going by in warp speed...just kidding yesterday and today have been one of the most slow weekends ever... except that one time wont the trip in the rv then the hospital...Wait nevermind I kinda slept through most of it because they shot me up with some of that goood stuff ye ole missuri gold they says *wink*wink* so this saturday might be up there on the bored out of your skull list mostly because of the fact that I didnt spend my whole day down at Kare and i didn't have to coach. Yesterday (friday) was very tiring for me possibly because i went swimming for a while than had to deal with 12 little 3rd graders (correct me if i am wrong(a's)) making sure they don't kill themselves or me...too late...

Now to business i am in desperate need of money in which i will be spending on a replacement screen for my ipoop and i will sell/do limited favors for loads of dough
and yes by the way i will take massive amounts of donaitons (and/or gold jewlry or owher assets of value that you wont care if its missing or wont notice its missing untill some strange 46 year old collecter in british columbia has in his possesion)
just email me at if you want me to get you anything that you want to buy or donate or face the other way when i steal it from you. ou also can contact me at school or in the back alley or in that tree over there... i might look like this: Image hosted by except more up in a tree-ish and scary-ish

Monday, May 02, 2005

Ya man i went and saw hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and it was pretty cool... i liked marvin but now i want to see the old hitvhhikers guide to the galaxy again and read the books again